- Protect depositor funds from derivative raids by repealing the super-priority status of derivatives.
- Separate depository banking from investment banking by repealing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act.
- Protect both public and private revenues by establishing a network of publicly-owned banks, on the model of the Bank of North Dakota. See http://publicbankinginstitute.org/
Long Term
- Building local economies http://bealocalist.org/
- Peer-to-Peer Lending, http://www.prosper.com/
- Reimage Money – Social Financing, http://rsfsocialfinance.org/
- Worker Owned Cooperatives, http://www.usworker.coop/education
- American Independent Business Alliance, http://www.amiba.net/
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment http://calorganize.org/
- American Sustainable Business Council, http://asbcouncil.org/
- Time Banks, http://timebanks.org/
- The Hour Exchange, http://www.hourexchangeportland.org/
- Earth Intelligence Network, http://www.earth-intelligence.net/
- The Public Intelligence Blog, http://www.phibetaiota.net/
- Organic Transit, http://www.organictransit.com/
- The Terra (TRC) - Trade Reference Currency http://www.terratrc.org/
- Ithaca Hours http://ithacahours.org
- Madison Hours http://www.madisonhours.org/
- Community Currency http://www.communitycurrency.org/
- Reinventing Money http://reinventingmoney.com/
- Creating Public Money for Public Good http://dcpublicbanking.org/
- LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) http://www.transaction.net/money/lets/